Our mission is to restore California salmon for their economic, recreational, commercial, environmental, cultural and health values.
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Our Impact

$20 million in federal salmon restoration funds steered to better projects due to GSSA intervention

2 million extra Coleman hatchery fry were released and started a DNA tagging program

1,000 ACRES
Restoration of over 1,000 acres of floodplain due to GSSA intervention to win permits

200 kids provided with on-water experiential education activities and charter boat fishing trips
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GSSA is a coalition that includes commercial and recreational salmon fishermen and women, related businesses, restaurants, native tribes, environmentalists, elected officials, families, and communities that rely on salmon, which reaches from Oregon to the Central Coast, through the Bay-Delta and up dozens of rivers in the Central Valley.
News & Features
Key Programs
Water Policy
Advocating for science-based water flow and temperature policies for California’s rivers to protect salmon and maintain healthy Central Valley rivers
Increasing survivor rates of smolt from indigenous salmon to bolster populations for people and nature
Restoration and preservation of habitat required for spawning, successful egg hatches and smolt migration to the ocean
Creating future fishermen and women, outdoor enthusiasts and conservationists through on-water and charter boat experiences for inner-city children
Salmon Under Assault
Company Partners & Sponsors
Become a Member
Together, we can fight for a sustainable salmon future for people, jobs, and the environment
Make an Impact
Speak up for salmon, fishermen, jobs, habitat and culture by contacting your elected officials
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