To restore California salmon for their economic, recreational, commercial, environmental, cultural and health values.
We do this by working closely and regularly with state and federal elected and unelected policy makers at water agencies to enhance salmon Hydrology (flows of fresh, cold water), Habitat and Hatcheries. We employ myriad of strategies including:
- Public Relations and Social Media
- Grassroots Mobilization and Empowerment
- Strategic Litigation
- Hands-on Restoration
- Stewardship and Education

We work to secure sustainable and equitable use of fresh Central Valley stream and river water at the state and federal levels. Salmon are the iconic indicator of environmental health of their ecosystems.

We work to get stream and river habitat restoration projects implemented. We believe that more resources should be put into actually implementing priority projects and less resources be allocated to more studies.

We work to enhance productivity of salmon hatcheries generally by working to get policymakers to optimize release strategies primarily by moving release locations closer or into the Pacific ocean.
Broad Coalition
GSSA is a coalition that includes commercial and recreational salmon fishermen and women, related businesses, restaurants, a native tribe, environmentalists, elected officials, families, and communities that rely on salmon.
What We Do
We work very closely with staff and leadership of California’s wildlife and water agencies (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Water Board, Dept of Water Resources) as well as with Federal wildlife and water agencies (Bureau of Reclamation, US Fish and Wildlife, NOAA Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries Agency). We also work to inform state and federal elected policymakers about challenges and practical solutions for salmon and our freshwater environment. We are advocating for California to adopt policies and take action to provide water for the needs of people, salmon, the environment, and the sustainable needs of agriculture.
Our salmon, a key indicator of the health of their habitat, are in real danger. We are pushing for solutions now. We actively collaborate with our partners to restore salmon to the goals set by the state of California and the Federal government. That is 1 million fish returning annually to the Sacramento/San Joaquin river system to spawn.