Updated September, 2020 We’ve had a decent ocean salmon fishing season. So far reports from Sacramento River guides have been…
Just announced, crab fundraising dinner Saturday, January 18th at the Sacramento International Sportsmen’s Expo. Click here for tickets. GSSA partners with ISE…
BY RYAN SABALOW AND DALE KASLER, Sacramento Bee NOVEMBER 21, 2019 11:01 AM Gov. Gavin Newsom’s administration said Thursday it will sue the…
Recently, to keep communities safe from floods, Central Valley dam operators are opening the dams and making big water releases…
By Coral Davenport Sept. 28, 2019 Updated 9:17 a.m. ET WASHINGTON — For years, the Interior Department resisted proposals to raise the height…
Damon Arthur, Redding Record Searchlight Published 5:15 p.m. PT Sept. 25, 2019 | Updated 10:43 a.m. PT Sept. 26, 2019…
By PHIL WILLON STAFF WRITER SEP. 9, 2019 5 AM California is close to adopting strict Obama-era federal environmental and worker safety…