Everywhere in California and into Oregon, we aren’t fishing. Salmon fishing families are struggling to make mortgage payments, and keep businesses afloat. Layoffs have occurred, retail sales and harbor revenues are down, and frustrated fishermen and women are searching for help and demanding solutions.
July 5, 2023 | 12-2pm
1305 10th Street, Sacramento, CA 95814
California State Capitol
(RSVP/Registration Not Required to Participate)

Why are they choosing export crops over people, jobs, our natural resources and communities?
This shutdown is the result of disastrous mismanagement of our rivers from State and federal policies. It’s not complicated. Years of decisions to divert more water from salmon rivers for industrial agriculture led to river conditions that killed most salmon eggs and juveniles 3 years ago. That’s why there’s a shortage of adult salmon today. The Newsom Administration must do better.
Now is the time to take action! Join Golden State Salmon Association, commercial and recreational fishermen and women, tribal groups, and conservation organizations on July 5, 2023 at the State Capitol in Sacramento as we come together for a common goal…saving salmon.
Learn More and RSVP Today to Demand Action that Restores Our Salmon! (RSVP is not required to participate but helps for event planning and attendance)