GSSA is doing work no one else can or will to keep salmon in all of our futures. We know everyone isn’t a policy or legal expert but you can help by supporting our efforts.
We’ve made renewing or becoming a 2021 GSSA member more fun. When you renew, sign up a friend, or make a donation (all tax-deductible), you will be entered into a raffle to win one of 35 great prizes which you can check out here.
Become a GSSA Member and Support Salmon Now:
GSSA Basic Membership – $35
GSSA “Salmon 100” Membership – $100
GSSA “Salmon 250 Membership – $250
Includes one-year membership to the Hurley Chronicles Hotsheet, Northern California’s premier fishing report.
GSSA “Heritage” Member – $500
Includes one-year membership to the Hurley Chronicles Hotsheet, Northern California’s premier fishing report.
Or you can make a donation in any amount you like!
If you don’t want to pay to renew your membership, you can also get one by donating good, services, trips, vacation getaways for our online auction. This will get you a GSSA membership, a raffle entry, and a tax write off.
Here’s some of what GSSA did this past year to make sure we continue to have fish:
- Release of hatchery salmon at the GG Bridge went from 1 million to 1.75 million as a result of GSSA work. Survival is three times better than fish released at the old release site.
- GSSA convinced the US Fish and Wildlife Service to boost survival of Coleman hatchery salmon by better locating the release site of some of the 12 million salmon they produce.
- GSSA won a court case forcing the federal government to review its approval of mutant genetically engineered farmed salmon. Controlling a flood of mutant farm fish into the market helps commercial salmon trollers and coastal communities.
- GSSA went to court to stop the export of Sacramento River water from salmon rivers to desert farms growing almonds for export to China.
- GSSA won a court case blocking efforts to raise Shasta Dam which would have blocked more water needed by salmon to survive.
- GSSA broke a logjam and got the California Dept of Water Resources to finally begin fixing the water bypass system downstream of Oroville Dam that has destroyed 15 miles of good salmon spawning habitat
- GSSA’s efforts kept needed Sacramento River side channel habitat restoration work on track in 2020 after funding was initially yanked.
- GSSA has helped force backers of the Sites Reservoir, a massive new Sacramento River diversion project, to downsize their plans to accommodate salmon.

Start 2021 off with that ‘feel-good feeling’ by becoming part of GSSA’s mission as a salmon supporter. Future generations will thank you, and we’ll see much more of this…
Jobs and Economy

Conservation and Environmental Impact

Sport and Commercial Fishing for Now and Future Generations

Nutritional and Health Values