BY DALE KASLER AND RYAN SABALOW Via The Sacramento Bee When a bipartisan group of state legislators held a press conference…
By Terry McSweeney Via The Golden Gate Salmon Association has been pushing for Tuesday’s release because the salmon were never…
Bay Area Marine Life Associated Press via SAN FRANCISCO – California officials will again truck millions of young salmon raised at…
By Kurtis Alexander Via Millions of young salmon raised at fish hatcheries in the Central Valley will be trucked…
By Brian Bahouth Via Audio: a conversation with John McManus president of the Golden State Salmon Association Last Wednesday, the…
By Cariad Hayes Thronson via SF Estuary Magazine As California stares down the barrel of yet another dry year, alarm bells…
SUSAN WOODTHE NORTH BAY BUSINESS JOURNALMarch 16, 2021, 11:32AM San Francisco Bay Area grocery stores and fish markets aren’t expected…
Hear from salmon fishing industry stakeholders reacting to the bad news the 2021 California ocean salmon fishing season will be…
Dan BacherStockton Record Correspondent via SACRAMENTO – A forecast of relatively low numbers of Sacramento and Klamath River fall…
Dan Bacher via Daily KOS Thursday February 25, 2021 · 5:34 PM PST San Francisco, CA — State and federal fishery managers…